Experienced Guidance
When Life Gets Legal SM

Justin H. Dion
- Of Counsel
"Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and they get in over their heads unintentionally. My psychology background helps me counsel my clients and provides a basis for me to guide people who are acting on an emotional rather than the logical level. My goal is to provide rational and reasonable solutions, calm unreasonable fears and put my clients at ease so that I can help them overcome difficult times."
Justin is a general practitioner who specializes in business and financial matters. In addition to handling Chapter 7, 11 and 13 bankruptcies, he also does financial planning, conducts foreclosures, and handles collection matters for lenders, as well as family law and real estate.
- Western New England University School of Law, Springfield, Massachusetts
- J.D. - 2000
- Honors: magna cum laude
- Honors: CALI Award for Excellence in Civil Procedure
- Honors: CALI Award for Excellence in Trusts and Estates
- Honors: CALI Award for Excellence in Jurisprudence
- Honors: Law Review Scribes Committee, Chair, 1998
- Honors: Student Bar Association, Member of Scholarship Committee
- Law Review, Western New England Law Review, Editor-in-Chief, 1999, 2000
- Law Review, Western New England Law Review, Junior Staff Member, 1998, 1999
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Bachelor of Science - 1996
- Honors: cum laude
- Honors: Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology
- Major: Psychology
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Master of Arts - 1997
- Major: Psychology
Bar Admissions
- Massachusetts, 2001
- Connecticut
- U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts
- U.S. District Court District of Connecticut
- U.S. Court of Appeals 1st Circuit
- U.S. Supreme Court
Classes & Seminars
- Seminar, Ninth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Conference November 16, 2010
- Seminar, Eighth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Conference October 6, 2009
- Contributor, Bankruptcy Bits
- Lecturer, Hampden County Bar Association's Mortgage Foreclosure Task Force, February 2009
- eBook Author, Seeking Bankruptcy Assistance in Western Massachusetts? Your top 12 personal bankruptcy questions answered., 2008
- Guest Speaker, Taxes & Assets, WHMP Radio, July 21, 2007
- Published Decision, In re Crocker _B.R._ 1st Cir. BAP (Mass) 2007
- Lecturer, Fifth Annual Western Massachusetts Bankruptcy Law Conference, October 2006
- Co-Author, Who Is Your Client? Ethical Considerations Potential Counsel Must Consider, Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice, August 6, 2005
- Published Decision: In re Holyoke Nursing Home, Inc., 372 F3rd 1 (Mass) 2004
- In RE: Desroches, John V. et al 21, represented lender and successfully defeated Homestead claim to validate mortgage, 03-44855HJB, 2004 WL 1949739 (Bank D. Mass. August 31, 2004)
- Prosecutorial Discrimination or Contract Theory Restrictions? - The Implications of Allowing Judicial Review of Prosecutorial Discretion Founded on Underlying Contract Principles, 22 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 149 (2000)
Certified Legal Specialties
- Certified Mediator
Professional Associations
- Hampden County Bar Association Bankruptcy Committee, Chair
- Square One, Member, Board of Directors
- Longmeadow Educational Excellence Foundation, Member, Board of Directors
- Massachusetts Bar Association
- Connecticut Bar Association
- American Bar Association
- Hampden County Bar Association
- Hartford County Bar Association
- Hampshire County Bar Association
- Turnaround Management Association
- American Bankruptcy Institute
- Teacher, Bankruptcy, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2008
- Teacher, Non-Profit Business Law, Western New England College School of Law, Springfield, MA, 2008
- Teacher, Introduction to Law, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2004 to Present
- Teacher, Real Estate Law, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2003 to Present
- Teacher, Business Law, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2003 to 2007
- Teacher, Torts, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2006
- Teacher, Trusts and Estates, Bay Path College, Longmeadow, MA, 2006
- Volunteer, United Way Funds Allocation Panel
- Volunteer, Dial-A-Lawyer, Western New England School of Law
- Team Coordinator, American Cancer Society Relay for Life
- Youth Soccer Coach, Longmeadow, MA
- Youth Coach, Brookside Soccer Club in Springfield, MA
Published Works
- Regional Law Firm Attorneys Honored as 2012 SuperLawyers & Rising Stars, February 21, 2013
- Ten Misconceptions about: Bankruptcy, BusinessWest, March 16, 2009
- "Means Test" or "Just a Mean Test": An Examination of the Requirement That Converted Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Debtors Comply With Amended Section 707(B), American Bankruptcy Institute, March 9, 2009
- Dollars and Sense - How to Negotiate a Pre-foreclosure Workout Agreement, Business to Business, November 14, 2007
- Forestalling Foreclosures - Is There a Solution to This Regional and National Problem?, BusinessWest, September 21, 2007
- Calm Before the Storm - Dealing with Secured Lenders When Times Become Tough, BusinessWest, December 1, 2006
- Timing is Everything-or Is It? - Cortez Challenges the "Snapshot" Approach to Analyzing Abuse Pursuant to 11 USC - 707(b), American Bankruptcy Institute, November 17, 2006
- The New Bankruptcy Law: Assessing The Law's Impact on Women, Massachusetts Bar Institute, October 18, 2006
- Good News for Landlords - Bankruptcy Law Revisions Make it Easier to Evict, BusinessWest, May 15, 2006
- Choose Your Entity, BusinessWest, October 5, 2005
- Light at the End of the Tunnel - Often, Bankruptcy Isn't the End, but the Beginning - of a Turnaround, BusinessWest, August 25, 2003
- Recipient, SuperLawyers Rising Star Award Boston Magazine, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012
- Designated as "SuperLawyer Rising Star" in Boston Magazine, 2010
- Recipient, Massachusetts Bar Association Community Service Award, June 18, 2009
Past Positions
- Notary Public